Underground Ernie

Underground Ernie is a 2006 British animated children's television series produced by Joella Productions for the BBC on both CBeebies and BBC Two, and sold internationally by BBC Worldwide. It is set in International Underground, a fictional worldwide underground railway network, based on the London Underground, and focuses on the everyday adventures of Ernie, a friendly underground supervisor, Millie, his multilingual colleague, and Mr. Rails, the lovable maintenance man.

The locomotives under Ernie's watchful eye all have characters of their own. There is BakerlooVictoriaCircleJubilee and the twins, Hammersmith & City. From time to time they are joined by their friends from across the world including; ParisBrooklynMoscowSydney and Osaka.


City Line Train - Die Cast Train - Underground Ernie (Halsall 1413499)


Victoria Line Train - Die Cast Train - Underground Ernie (Halsall 1413498)


Hammersmith Line Train - Die Cast Train - Underground Ernie (Halsall 1413497)
